Affiliate Program Orientation Guide
Congratulations! You've just completed your Affiliate Program Orientation of the structure and its Accounting procedures.
Now it's time to head over to the Quick Start Guide and the SiteSell Promotion Center. Your buffet of RR URLs is waiting for you, starting with the current Top Landing Pages. Decide how you can best use the tools to effectively target and "warm up" your audience.
You're on your way. You and I have a chance to change the way small business is done online. There are no comparable business-building solutions to SBI! and SiteSell Services anywhere. In one sense, we are the only game in town.
But in another sense, we compete with every "easy site builder" (not business builder), blogging platform and Web host in the world.
Bottom line? We have a heck of a lot of "background noise" to break through.
That is why this opportunity is so exciting!
Start by picking the "low-hanging fruit"...
And persevere...
If you apply the effort and stick with it, the only thing that separates you from SiteSell's highest earning affiliates is... time.
The big Affiliate earners have a slight advantage because they happened to start their businesses sooner, paid their dues earlier, and are now reaping the benefits of all that effort. They certainly didn't have it any easier!
Everybody, no matter who they are or what they are doing, starts from scratch. In this race, you set the pace at which you are most comfortable, and focus on moving ahead. That's all you have to do -- move ahead, one step after another.
Whether you build your business slowly or quickly, full time or part time, it doesn't matter. As long as the foundation is solid, great results are certain.
Just do it.
Once you do something, whatever appeals to you most, "doing" becomes easier and easier... and income becomes bigger and bigger. It all boils down to taking that first step!