Affiliate Program Orientation Guide

Affiliate Program Orientation Guide


The Affiliate Program

The Accounting Section

Affiliate Support

The Wrap-Up

Affiliate Club Home

SiteSell Promotion Center

Quick Start Guide

4. Affiliate Support

Whenever you have any questions or concerns or feedback (after you finish watching the Affiliate Program video and reading this guide, of course!), you have two support options...

Ask your question at the Affiliate Forums....

Log in using the same username and password that you would use to access the Affiliate Club. You can also access the forums via the Navigation Bar in the Club.

Once you are in, you'll see several forums. Feel free to visit each one, as time allows, and profit from the ever-growing wealth of information.
Here are the main 5P forum sections...

Promotional Resources and Tools

Discuss the best 5P affiliate resources, tools and techniques for your target market.

Affiliate Program University

This is the place to find affiliate training, tips and strategies for every level of affiliate. Learn the most effective ways to PREsell SBI! and SiteSell Services.

Offline Strategies

Need some advice on using the Offline Marketing Resources? Share your offline marketing experiences, successes and learning lessons. This is the place for all the offline promotion discussions.

Two quick tips...

An affiliate community is a powerful thing. Wisdom adds up, making everyone smarter and more effective.

- OR -

If your question requires logging into your account to check confidential informtion (i.e., accounting stats) that cannot be posted in the Affiliate forums...
3) Contact our Customer Support staff using the form provided at...

Our Support team replies by e-mail within 4-6 hours during the day/early evening, 12 hours overnight.

And that brings us to our final chapter...

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